Health Articles

The Many Uses of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is an effective method for looking at behavioural changes, learned habits and a large number of physiological and psychological conditions. Hypnosis work is directed towards the unconscious mind, the storehouse of all our memories and the location of all our automatic-programs...

Health Articles

Understanding Self-Hypnosis and Meditation

What is the difference between self-hypnosis and meditation? The two disciplines are in essence very similar, however in practice they are two very different mind-focusing techniques that each require specific understanding and distinctly different approaches...

Health Articles

What is Stress?

Stress was first defined by a Canadian biological scientist and Canadian University Professor in 1936. His name was Dr. Hans Selye. Hans defined biological stress as a “response of the body to any demand for change”...

Health Articles

The Relaxation Response

Labeled “The Relaxation Response” by Harvard Medical School research fellow, Herbert Benson, M.D., this biological polar opposite to the “Stress Response” is responsible for providing the necessary stabilizing counter-reactions to the chemical and physiological changes that stress initiates...